Lease or Buy? Making the right decision for your businessThe decision for a business to own or lease real estate is a large financial decision that comes down to two key factors: (i) operations...
How to Solve for Market VolatilityAssessing market cycles and risk is a necessary component of any investment strategy. Whether in a positive or negative cycle, there are...
Not so Clueless Valley"Looks like we’re gonna have to make a cameo at the Val party,” made famous by the 1995 popular firm Clueless. For people living on the...
5 Underwriting Mistakes to AvoidWe’ve all been there staring at an Offering Memorandum or Excel Spreadsheet wondering why the numbers aren’t matching exactly. Many...
ARGUS Enterprise: Warp SpeedWhile change can sometimes be worrisome, ultimately, newer software models have proven to be helpful. For instance, can you imagine being...